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Every time we think Chelsea can’t get any more incredible, she blows us away again! This super-mom has been in the veterinary field since 2012, and joined CBS Animal Hospital in 2017. Needless to say, she’s been one of the clinic’s greatest assets since her first day! There’s absolutely no job too big or small for Chelsea here in the clinic, and she loves to put her years of experience to use by providing amazing care to all our patients and clients!

When she’s not at the clinic, Chelsea is just as invaluable at home to her fiance and her two adorable twins! Of course, her steadfast Yorkie, Tetley, is always there to babysit when needed, even if the babies are bigger than she is! If you see Chelsea around the clinic, be sure to ask her about what show she’s been binging on Netflix lately!

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Fun Questions

  • Share a memorable story about a pet you've treated.

    I had a laser therapy patient that came to see me for his therapy once weekly. His quality of life was declining due to arthritis in his old age, but laser therapy helped tremendously with his pain and he started to act like a puppy again. Thanks to laser he lived an amazing extra year, and we grew such a bond, both with him and his owner. Helping our patients have the best quality of life possible is really what it’s all

  • What's your favorite part about working with animals?

    I love that with animals, there is zero judgment. Animals will love you regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.- If you give them patience, treats and scratches/ belly rubs they are your best friend.

  • Share a pet care tip or trick that people might not know about.

    Cheez whiz or peanut butter smeared on a licky mat or any preferred surface makes the best distraction for dog nail trims! Life hack! 

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Serious Questions

  • What advice would you give to pet owners to ensure their pets lead healthy lives?

    Pet owners should really sign their pets up with pet insurance right after the very first visit with their veterinarian. We all hope our animals will never need to use it but in case of an emergency/illness it can be a life saver for any owner. This, along with annual checkups, a balanced veterinary grade diet, exercise and endless love is really the best we can do for our animals. 

  • What inspired you to work in this industry?

    I’ve always loved animals for as long as I can remember- I wanted to help them and give them a voice as they cannot help themselves. I enjoy helping owners feel relief and happiness from making a regular appointment stress-free and positive, but also be there for them and their pets during their most difficult times as our animals are a huge part of our families. 
